Sunday, September 15, 2013

Highlighted Author

Today I'm featured as is the book on the Highlighted Author blog where I talk about why I wrote a book about vampires of all things.  It's not like I know any personally--a fact that I'm happy to tell, actually.

So writing about what I know as far as vampires are concerned isn't what I was really doing in the novel.  Instead, I'm writing about religion and God/god which I've spent a lot of my life contemplating which I realize makes me sound like someone raised in a monastery.

Actually I was raised Roman Catholic and remember many of the times spent on my knees thinking about what kind of God/god wanted me as a child kneeling for long periods of time instead of outside playing or inside reading.  What kind of God/god wants children or adults kneeling until their joints ache?  And that was the first of so many questions I asked myself and thought about during those long, silent minutes.

Sometime when I was a teenager, I started wondering about Heaven.  Heaven, we were told, was a place where the good went as spirits and spent their time adoring the Lord.  Forever.

Wait!  Wasn't there something else that lived forever besides those souls in Heaven.  Vampires, perhaps?

Then things got confused in my mind and the longer I thought about Gods/gods and vampires, the more confused things got.  And suddenly out of the morass of my mind jumped a book, and now slowly on its heels is emerging another, Devil's Food.  More vampires, more Gods/gods, more questions.