Shawn in a beacon to him, someone who promises that all of his peace-keeping, liaisoning, and negotiations haven't been wasted effort. He needs her more than he needs the sun, and saying that for a vampire is saying everything.
So here are some of my nominations for what Anthony looks like in no particular order:
I don't know who this guy is, but I think it's this guy's eyes and eyebrows that do it for me. Also, he seems so intently focused. He's not quite pale enough, but makeup can always fix that.

Okay, so I have a soft spot in my heart for Matt Bomer. So sue me. He's handsome, pale, with wonderful eyes and a great looking body. He can also act, so if we're casting, I wouldn't complain if he became Anthony. Like the unnamed guy above, Matt can also be so focused that it's scary--just like Anthony.

Right! This is the Arrow guy, Stephen Amell. He, like the top two, has the face, eyes, and often world-weariness going for him. He also has an incredible body, which is saying something considering Matt Bomer's build. Stephen also has perfected serious and focused to an eerie level.

Another of my all-time favorite actors is Oded Fehr, who here doesn't look too fierce and focused, but is so much of both in the Mummy films. He also projects such a world-weariness that he turns the mummy into a guy with ages old problems, a guy who's been unfairly tortured, and not a cartoon of a mummy. But unless someone would make a movie of the book soon, he alas will be too old.

And then there's Johnny Lee Miller, who's got the world-weariness in spades. I guess that's what being married to Angelina will do to a guy. Again, like Oded, however, he's aging out of Anthony's age bracket as I write this, so he like Oded would have to be snapped up quickly or be too old for the part later. Pity.